I think this is brilliant because, however hard we try, it is just hard to have the bigger perspective. And it’s a reminder that we are not meant to either.
And so when we get thrown a curveball, we think it’s taking us off piste, off the route we had planned. And we wait to deal with the curveball so that we can get ‘back on track’.
But I’m learning this one slowly but surely: that the detour **is** the path. It might not be the one I think I chose. The scenery definitely doesn’t look like the kind I was expecting. But if I embrace it as the path, I can focus not on getting back but on remembering whose hand I am holding while I tread. That’s my real work and the only thing I can ever really be clear about.
I will leave you with one of my favourite lines in A Course in Miracles.
‘What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?’ (W-135.13)
It’s a big one I know. In fact it kind of blows the top of my head off when I read it.